Rambert School Audition

I feel bittersweet writing this up now.

I ended up getting to Rambert really early but luckily i wasn't the only one as there were also two Italian girls and their mothers. We were invited in and asked to wait in the library. This is a room I hadn't been in before- I went to their summer school so have seen most of the school but not the library. Slowly others arrived and at 8:45 we were taken to their studio theatre which is a great space. Here we handed in our medical forms and got our numbers, mine was 27. Overall I think there was about 30 of us, quote  change from the 12 at NBS on Monday, with about 1/3 being boys. They took us to the changing rooms and told us to comes down when ready with our things - pointe shoes, water and shorts for contemporary.

We, of course, started off with barre. I ended up being front and centre of the room with my place at the barre. The class was taught by the teacher whose class I had most enjoyed at the summer school which I was pleased about. The exercises were quite easy to pick up and being at the front of the barre was good as it made sure that I wasn't looking at what someone else was doing.

Next we put away the barres to the side and stood in lines of 6. I really enjoyed the centre work including the allegros! I actually picked them up well which was a pleasant surprise. We also did pirouettes and a grand allegro from the corner. Once we'd done this we put on our pointe shoes. Meanwhile the boys did a couple of jumps and turns exercises.

We did a lot more pointe in the audition than at NBS. At the barre we did a foot warm up and a couple of others including echappes and balances. In the centre we did more echappes and some pirouettes to name a couple.

After pointe was contemporary so I pulled off my pointes and pulled on my shorts. As we were already warm we didn't do some warm up exercises. Instead we went straight into learning some short phrases and performing them in groups of six twice. Following this we did some corner work such as grounded jetes. To finish we had to create a short phrase inspired by the last phrase of the teacher's that he had taught.

After the audition was done we all waited in the reception to see if we were needed for our solo, a physical or an interview. While I waited I chatted to a girl called Abbie who I had met at the summer school. I wasn't asked to do any of the things so waited until 1:30 to hear the Principal's talk.

The whole audition finished at about 2pm. I headed back to the station feeling quite good about the whole thing.

Update: Here's the bitter bit. I really enjoyed the audition and it was probably the one I've felt that I've performed the best in of the dance schools so far. However when I got home I found an email from Rambert with a 'no'. At the moment I don't feel much about it. I love the school but was starting to think against it due to wanting a course with a pathway more focused on ballet than theirs. I'm trying to not think too much about it as I know that if I dwell I'll feel worse. I'm more annoyed than upset as I had felt good in it but obviously wasn't what they were looking for.
        I should hear from NBS hopefully this following week and I'm scared as I feel like I didn't do as well in that. This rejection from Rambert is my first from a school and it makes me just want it even more. I'm so desperate and determined to go to a school to train. The thought of it makes me so excited which is a feeling I long for as it would make me feel more like there are things worth doing as dreams do work out. Through reflection I think now my top 2 are LSC and Ballet West - though I would be overjoyed to go anywhere! Life is full of rejection and I guess we just have to take what we can from them so the time spent was still worth it and not a waste.


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